hingham massachusetts south residential solar installation

Seasonal Solar Energy Production: Fall Equinox

Fall Equinox marks the beginning of autumn, when days get shorter and the sun moves south in the sky. Don’t be surprised if you see a dip in your seasonal solar energy production this season – it’s perfectly normal. Prepare

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John Poignand's plea to prevent climate change

A Grandfather’s Plea to Save The Planet

Our customers are considerate, forward-thinking, and smart. While we often feature their homes and testimonials on our website, it’s less common that they write our blog posts. Recently, however, one of our Chatham, MA customers sent us this galvanizing call

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sonnen solar battery home installation massachusetts

Solar Battery Storage: The Future of Clean Energy

The Clean Energy Bill passed on July 31st mandates that Massachusetts must increase its clean energy storage dramatically by 2025. This means that solar batteries, like our Sonnen devices, are poised to become crucial components in the renewable energy systems of

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Get Started Today with My Generation Energy

For a free Solar Snapshot:  CALL (508)-694-6884 , or Click Here to email My Generation Energy.   Request your personalized Solar Snapshot today and find out how much you could save with solar. Just provide us with the address that you

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Setting ‘sites’ on a Greener Future!

Armed with site plans, a mallet, and stakes; My Generation Energy, Inc. took a significant step towards fulfilling its vision of creating the first community solar garden® project. The landscape shown is the future home of the Brewster Community Solar Garden®

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Go Green! Cape and Islands Green!!

Though “Going Solar” is certainly a great way to “Go Green,” it’s not the only way. My Generation Energy has just completed its Level I Verification for the Cape and Islands Green (CIG).”CIGoGreen” is designed to accelerate progress toward a

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Tesla Powerwall
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