rooftop solar panels on commercial business

Your Guide to Solar Net Metering in Massachusetts

Wondering about the benefits of going solar in your Massachusetts home? Making the switch is a big decision, but it can be immensely beneficial for your home, your wallet, and the environment. It’s exciting to see local and federal financial

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does solar increase costs for other energy users?

Does Solar Really Increase Energy Costs for Others?

If you’ve ever read about renewable energy on your local online message board, you’ve probably heard the claim that solar increases electricity costs for everyone else. The utilities’ trade association even ran a controversial television advertisement in which an actor

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My Generation Energy's solar installer connecting microinverters on a residential rooftop solar installation in Massachusetts

Microinverters vs. Central Inverters: What’s Best?

What are inverters? Solar panels convert light to electrical direct current (DC) energy. However, the electrical power in your house is alternating current (AC). Inverters transform the energy that your solar panels collect into energy you can use in your

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Tesla Powerwall
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