Solar for Cape Cod nonprofits doesn’t always make financial sense. First, most nonprofit organizations must allocate their money to their missions. Also, nonprofits don’t have a tax liability, rendering these benefits useless to them. However, reducing operating expenses (like utilities) is still important, because it allows nonprofits to devote even more money to their causes.
Luminous Solar solves this problem by enabling nonprofits to go solar at no cost. This model permits nonprofits to reap the benefits of solar without any of the expenses.
Cape Cod Village is a deserving entity. It is an innovative community for adults with autism. The village is thoughtfully designed to meet the unique needs of its residents. For example, both the interior and exterior spaces consider the sensory issues experienced by those on the autism spectrum. Since its inception, CCV’s intention was to create “green” buildings that were environmentally friendly and energy efficient. That’s where My Generation Energy and Luminous Solar came in.
My Generation Energy suggested that Cape Cod Village employ a solar lease (PPA) for their project. It’s usually best to buy your solar array outright, but some nonprofits are an exception to that rule. By using a partner like Luminous, MGE can deliver solar for Cape Cod nonprofits at no cost. This also keeps energy dollars within the community, improving the Cape’s environment and economy.
Effectiveness, Savings, and Environmental Impact
Cape Cod Village opted to install 303 panels across their buildings – a 96.96kW system. Their discounted electricity rate will save them more than $150,000 over the course of their agreement (accounting for projected escalation in electricity rates).
As a result, instead of spending that money on utilities, they can reinvest it into their services. Just think how much an extra $150,000 will do for the Cape’s autistic community!
Solar for Cape Cod Nonprofits: Benefits to the Local Community
Many solar companies won’t partner with small nonprofits because the ROI isn’t as high as it is for larger commercial installations. But for those that do, it creates a win-win solution, keeping dollars circulating in the local economy and decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions that power local businesses. Businesses or nonprofits of any size can go solar if they partner with a company that sees the bigger picture.